
  • Improved Clinician-Patient Coordination – Patients can preserve a history more easily thanks to digitization. Medical records are crucial in an emergency situation when a hard copy might not be obtainable. In this instance, digitization is beneficial since it keeps clinicians always updated on the patient’s medical history.
  • Automate administrative duties – The work automation that computers are known for may be accomplished through digitization. In the future, it is possible to create sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) systems that offer medication suggestions and alerts. Administrative work is a significant barrier to physicians’ productivity. By automating these processes, medical professionals and health workers will have less work to do and more time to devote to patient care.
  • Communication Among Several Doctors – some people have health issues that necessitate consulting with many doctors. To create the patient’s overall best medical treatment, it is crucial that the many professionals be in continual touch with one another. The professionals will be able to identify what is effective and areas where advancement is being achieved with the aid of regular information exchange. This is a common occurrence, and digitalization may unquestionably help doctors perform their duties successfully and efficiently in this context.
  • Data Protection – Physical files are not fully impenetrable to harmful attacks. There is always a chance that unanticipated events like natural catastrophes or carelessness would result in the loss of medical records. These considerations may be eliminated for medical records with a well-designed digital system for data storage.
  • Real-time Healthcare Data – These days, vital signs monitoring systems, smartphones, and wearable technology are incredibly popular and powerful gadgets. Modern smartwatches are capable of taking an ECG, counting steps, and monitoring heart rate. They are therefore incredibly beneficial to both regular users and their doctors. When a particular condition is met, the doctor can set up a “trigger” to occur.